Soil and Water Logo

The Soil and Water Department is currently working under regular business hours, from 7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Monday-Friday). Presently staff is continuing to administer District programs, making site visits (by appointment only), and returning phone calls/emails as requested. For assistance requests, please call 919-560-0558, 984-260-5969, or email


Eddie Culberson, Director
201 E. Main Street

5th floor
Durham, NC 27701
Phone: 919-560-0558
FAX: 919-328-6192

Hours: 7:00 AM-5:00 PM


Mission Statement
To conserve, enhance and promote the natural resources of Durham County by providing technical assistance, environmental education information and economic incentives to County citizens and by exhibiting a diversified program to meet its changing needs.

The District is a governmental subdivision of the State; a public body organized in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 139 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and is subject to the powers and restrictions as outlined in G. S. 139.
Under this law, the District has the responsibility of conserving soil, water, and related natural resources within the District boundary. The District board is made up of five Supervisors (two appointed and three elected).


Vision Statement

To address all natural resources on every acre in Durham County in a way that will benefit the environment, wildlife, its people, and the natural resources themselves, plus produce an environmentally conscious group of citizens who will set a trend of conserving, enhancing and promoting our natural resource base. 

2025 Durham Soil and Water Conservation District Board Meeting dates

February 3, 2025; March 3, 2025; April 7, 2025; May 5, 2025, June 2, 2025, August 4, 2025; September 8, 2025; October 6, 2025; November 3, 2025; and December 3, 2025. 

All Durham SWCD meetings will be held on the First Monday of the month at 8:00 a.m. at the Durham Farm Bureau Building (1901 Hillandale Rd, Ste 105, Durham, NC 27705) unless otherwise indicated below.

April 11, 2025- 8:00 a.m. (Hybrid)


2025 Farmland Protection Advisory Board Meetings

All Farmland Protection Advisory Board meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month unless indicated below (Zoom).  The meetings start at 6:00 pm at the Durham Farm Bureau Building (1901 Hillandale Rd, Ste 105, Durham, NC 27705).

 Every month on the Third Thursday, until December 18, 2025, unless otherwise indicated below: 

Farmland Protection Advisory Board Meeting

*No February meeting*

Next meeting: March 20, 2025, 6:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)- Hybrid

In-person: Durham Farm Bureau Building (1901 Hillandale Rd, Ste 105, Durham, NC 27705).

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 833 5464 3665

Passcode: 203528

Dial by your location:  +1-305-224-1968 (US)